Children of Midnight Playtest is Live

It's finally public playtest day!

Attached are the 05/15 playtest files.

There is a to-do list on pg 7 that mistakenly got left in the document. Is important stuff,  so I'm going to reiterate some of it here. 

Witch is used in a gender neutral way throughout the book. All of the player characters are witches, and not all of the  player characters are women, many are non-binary and some are men.

I will post the Lines and Veils document as soon as it is playtest ready. For now you could use any online Lines and Veils document or the Same Page Tool from bankuei.

There is also a link on the main Children of Midnight page to the google sheets version of the grimoire and coven sheet which should make character and coven creation fast and painless (I may have accidentally left a few things in there intended for a future release, if they aren't in the core guide please just ignore them).

Please leave comments here or email if you have any questions or feedback other than playtest feedback. Follow the instructions in Part 6 of the Starting Undertaking pdf for playtest feedback.


Children of Midnight Playtest Core.pdf 4.4 MB
May 14, 2021
Starting Undertaking.pdf 86 kB
May 13, 2021
GM Cheat Sheets.pdf 63 kB
May 12, 2021
Blank Grimoire Sheet.pdf 72 kB
May 12, 2021
Blank Coven Sheet.pdf 64 kB
May 12, 2021

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